maandag 24 november 2008

Ik begrijp niet...

Ik heb nogal een probleem met de Nederlandse taal, ik ben namelijk gewend dingen uit te drukken in het Engels omdat het beter past, mooier klinkt of omdat het Nederlands er gewoon niet de goede woorden voor heeft. Ergens vind ik het vreemd dat de afgelopen 7 berichten wel in het Nederlands gemaakt zijn, deze zal helaas toch weer even beroep moeten doen op het Engels.

I do not understand...

How people can be so ignorant. I don't understand what is so funny about completely disregarding another person's feelings. What am I, crazy? Am I insane for asking just a tiny bit of respect? It's strange how oblivious people can be to how much they hurt you.
I can understand how one cannot see the harm in what they do, how one can think it's all relative, not a big deal, because that's just the way it s according to their frame of reference. What I don't get though, is how a man can hear you say countless times that what he says bothers you, that it hurts, how he can watch the tears in your eyes and plainly say that he's joking and you should just fuck off if you can't stand it. All this after a whole period of even worse comments, I guess just because he knows it's frustrating and wants to have a good laugh about that too.
So what is it, ignorance? A lack of empathy? Or simply some weird urge to destroy someone?
If only he had an idea of what it causes. Though my feeling utterly damaged by all this is not his fault or responsibility, (face it, he can't help my history, he couldn't have known), I feel he's wrong for disregarding (maybe diminishing) my problem with this. Isn't it just the right and humane thing to do to make the tiny effort of taking my feelings in this into account?
I'm miserable. At the end of it I just feel too worthless to think I even have a right to make a big deal out of it. I hope he at least got what he wanted by making me feel so sick about myself...

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